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Could old wood make us sick?

Pk49m4zY7a | Posted in General Questions on

We are redoing bathroom in a house that is around 120 years old.The bathroom was an add on 60 or so years ago, they left the old boards from outside of the house on as part of the walls.

We have been ill since we started this project. Every time we cut wood or sand it we have upset stomach,dihreha, headaches. It only happens to the ones working in this room!

Could there be something in the wood itself from when it was put on the house? There is no mold at all, smells of old wood. When we use the respirator mask we are fine.

We took off some of the old wood and sanded, no mask though, now we are even sicker! Any thoughts on this,could really use your help!


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Wood dust can certainly cause a variety of symptoms. Some species of wood are worse than others, and some people are more susceptible than others.

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