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Dettsen Smart Duct system

toothman2020 | Posted in Mechanicals on

Had any one here used Dettson’s smart duct system?

looks interesting. Curious to know what others thoughts are as these ducts are quite small 2.5”


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  1. _Stephen_ | | #1

    I've seen one in action.

    They work quite well, but there are a few issues.

    For one, its a proprietary system by a time manufacturer, who only built it because their old system was primarily oil furnace based, and no one is buying them.

    So there's a nontrivial chance the company ceases to exist, and now all the ductwork in your house is this weird tiny crap.

    Secondly, the attached heat pump system, the Alizee, is tiny and has terrible low temperature performance compared to modern heat pump systems.

    I think you would be better served with a Mitsubishi Hyper-Heat air handler if you want ducts.

    1. toothman2020 | | #3


      Thanks for replying. I've read your other posts and know that you have a similar system in your home (that is near where I reside). How are you liking your current HVAC setup?

      I currently have BCIN drawings for whole house heat pump based system. However, the ductwork is enormous and requires large bulk heads and from what I have read these whole home heat pump systems are not efficient. Thoughts?

      Since we new build I thought I should perform my due diligence and look into other possible systems. Such as, a ducted min-split system on the second floor and multi-split wall mounted units for the main floor and basement since those areas are more open. This possible setup is much more expensive then Dettson's Smart Duct system as well as a whole home heat pump with more traditional ducting. Moreover, we don't love the wall mounted cassettes looks and placing a ceiling ducted mini-split requires plenum trusses, seems like a pain in the ass to service, and when it needs to be replaced we will have to tear down our ceiling. Im loosing my mind.

      Thanks for your feedback

      1. ohioandy | | #4

        Don't write off the relative simplicity of a mini-ducted system. By no means do they require plenum trusses to be hidden. They can be squeezed into closets or hallway ceilings; slung below floor joists; even mounted vertically (Fujitsu) in a thickened wall. Failing all this, I wouldn't hesitate to build it into a super-insulated airtight box on an accessible attic floor. Service access, similarly, just requires a bit of forethought.

  2. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #2

    Depending on the air velocity in this system, it might be noisy. This particular system appears to be a low flow system, so this might not be an issue. Conventional microduct systems run pretty high air velocity in the lines to get decent flow rates, and that makes them noisy which bothers some people.


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