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Community and Q&A

Do we need a Tavern?

homedesign | Posted in General Questions on

FHB Breaktime had (maybe stil does?) a Tavern
where the folks that really did not want to talk about Construction or Building Science Could go.

They tell jokes and insult each other

Sometimes the moderators would Move the discussions to the Tavern

Go ahead and have at it

Don’t trash someone’s thread

move it down here or start your own bitchin thread

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  1. 5C8rvfuWev | | #1

    That works, John, and would be helpful I agree.

    Or: if the software will accept it, activate a personal message feature for posters. If I have something of a personal nature to discuss with you, I click on your name and am able to message you privately. (It is available for Dan and Martin, and perhaps others too. Perhaps it could be useful for all who are "verified."

    this sort of step helps keep people on topic. I'm mod on two groups (as part of my own business life) and have seen both suggestions work well.

    GBA doesn't really have a lot of threads that start out off topic; it's generally in the heat of discussing options that the passions and personalities get enflamed.

    Another thing that works well enough is for people to simply ignore the off topic "contribution." There's no reason I have to dignify an attack with a reply. Generally people who are trolling for conflict tire easily and simply go elsewhere -- ignoring them works well especially when/if there are posters who sign in under alternate i.d.s just to cause a distraction and get attention.

    I rarely read a topic here where I (personally) don't learn something of value or interest, but I admit that I often skip over posts that seem based more in vitriol than science or construction.

    Joe W

  2. user-757117 | | #2

    Blocked by the "spam filter" twice this morning.

  3. Riversong | | #3

    Only if they serve micro-brewed beer.


    I think that would be a great idea. And I apologize for fanning the flames on Roy's thread yesterday.

  5. homedesign | | #5

    Hey Michael (ShelterNerd),
    I can relate
    I did the same thing recently

    Thanks for being one of the Nice Guys over at Breaktime
    John B (HomeDesign)

  6. Riversong | | #6

    My experience at Breaktime was that the unmoderated Tavern, accessible only to registered users and where almost anything could be said, got so mean and vicious that it spilled over into the regular discussion threads and the whole forum went into the gutter.

  7. homedesign | | #7

    Sounds Like GBA on a good day ;--)

  8. user-757117 | | #8

    Sorry. I need to high-jack this thread. I have been having NO END of problems with the "spam filter" today. I tried to ask a new Q about it but was blocked by the filter.

    I think someone brought this up once in another thread.
    The problem occurs even when signed in.
    There are two responses:
    "Your submission has triggered the spam filter and will not be accepted." - VERY annoying.
    "We're sorry, but the spam filter thinks your submission could be spam. Please complete the CAPTCHA." (where previously there was no CAPTCHA) - marginally annoying.
    Am I doing something wrong or is this just a software glitch?
    Anybody else experienced this?
    This is the second time I've posted this as I just got the CAPTCHA message.
    This is the third time I've posted this as I just got blocked completely after entering the CAPTCHA.

  9. davidmeiland | | #9

    Lucas, what happens when you answer the CAPTCHA? I get that any time I post a new question, but not when replying. As soon as I enter the letters my post is up. I did notice recently some inconsistencies with being "verified" on my usual computer, but that hasn't persisted.

    I'm not in favor of a tavern. This site should be maintained as a narrowly focused information source and discussion forum for the types of topics that have typically been in play. It is a truly excellent resource. I would hate to see a "tavern" area draw in users whose interest is in chit-chat and flaming more than in the usual GBA subject matter. Taking it a step further, my opinion is that the GBA advisors should be tossing out anyone/anything that's not a meaningful contribution to the subject matter, but I realize that's not really their assignment. I also believe that everyone should have a non-anonymous identity here, but that'll never happen.

    Carry on!

  10. user-757117 | | #10

    Lucas, what happens when you answer the CAPTCHA?

    Well it seems to happen to me even when I'm replying on a thread - although not consistently. Today has been bad.
    Sometimes after I punch in the CAPTCHA, my post gets published.
    Sometimes though it gets blocked completely.
    I have had to re-write some posts so as not to offend the spam filter - VERY annoying.
    I have also tried posting one sentence, then editing in the body of the post - annoying.

  11. Riversong | | #11

    I've also had intermittent problems with the SPAM FILTER blocking posts even with no hyperlinks. Sometimes it seems to be a slightly incorrect syntax, such as using the sideways carrot symbol which is also used for HTML tags, but sometimes there seems to be no rhyme or reason.

    Including a hypertext link usually, but not always triggers the CAPTCHA, but what I find really annoying is that editing a response that includes a hyperlink already CAPTCHAD, requires another CAPTCHA each time the post is edited. You'd think the site could use cookies to prevent that.

    All told, it seems like a very fussy and unreliable software program.

  12. Riversong | | #12

    I also believe that everyone should have a non-anonymous identity here, but that'll never happen.

    Ye of little faith. If we demand it, it will happen.

  13. 2tePuaao2B | | #13

    Funny~ how the mere suggestion or question about a Tavern makes this thread feel a little like a Tavern already.
    I say John has just created the Tavern!! Thanks John I'm in..... are we ready to rumble....

  14. Riversong | | #14

    When's Happy Hour?

  15. 2tePuaao2B | | #15

    Hey Robert,
    Thanks for that whitewash in the cow barn tid bit.
    My brother and I got paid 50 cents an hour to whitewash horse barns when we were kids.~~
    Always thought the rich owners were just too cheap to buy "real" paint.
    whoda thunkit... a method to the maddness

  16. Danny Kelly | | #16

    John - I'll take a Bud and Makers.

  17. Riversong | | #17

    That's what's wrong with the "green" building movement.

    Bud is to beer as fiberglass is to insulation.

  18. Danny Kelly | | #18

    Maybe so, but the King of Beers and made in the USA

  19. user-757117 | | #19

    Are we sittin' down or standin' up?
    If we're standin' I'll take a Carling.
    If we're sittin' I'll take a Kilkenny.

  20. steve b. | | #20

    mind if I stick with sassafras??---keeps me sharp!!!

  21. Riversong | | #21

    Ya mean Sarsparilla?

  22. T7sX5ebany | | #22

    Ye of little faith. If we demand it, it will happen.

    No, it won't. It will merely appear to happen.

    BTW Mine's a St Clement's (orange juice and bitter lemon mixed with a bit of ice)

    Reason for edit : to remove a pointless appeal to keep this thread on track, sorry folks

  23. homedesign | | #23

    No, it won't. It will merely APPEAR to happen.....
    Answered by Timmy O'Daniels

    I appreciate your humor.

    I don't care what folks talk about on this thread.....
    Just as long as it's NOT about Construction or Building Science.

    Sometimes people like to promote/defend how "green" they are.
    This thread (or one like it) would be a good place for such discussions.

  24. homedesign | | #24

    I do like the suggestion of ENCOURAGING people to post with "real names"

    I think that is something that could easily be included on the Sign up page.

  25. steve bumpus | | #25

    I lied!! Can't stand either sassafras tea OR sasaparilla tea!!! Gotta go with COFFEE every time, So I can be the dedicated blogger whilst you guys get lubricated!!! Thx for everyones help this year!! Happy 2011
    Steve B.

  26. T7sX5ebany | | #26

    Thank you for putting my name between quotation marks. Now you're gettin' it...
    ; o )
    BTW I am also all for encouraging people to sign up with believable names - problem is I have difficulty believing some of the so-called 'real' names on this forum....

  27. Riversong | | #27

    problem is I have difficulty believing some of the so-called 'real' names on this forum....

    As I said, Ye of Little Faith.

    Thank you for putting my name between quotation marks. Now you're gettin' it...

    Ah, so! The reason you have no faith in the honesty of others is because of your own dishonesty.

    Just because you might not believe that God exists, does not mean He gives a rat's ass what you believe.

  28. T7sX5ebany | | #28

    As I said, Ye of Little Faith.

    But you did not say it to me.

    The censors have removed what I think of your accusation of dishonesty. I do hope that they do not find this disclosure of their work to be inappropriate.

    Reason for edit :

  29. Riversong | | #29


    "Accusation of dishonesty"? I think you accused yourself.

    If not, then explain what you could possibly have meant by "Thank you for putting my name between quotation marks. Now you're gettin' it..." if not that your name is a "name" and not your real name?

  30. 5C8rvfuWev | | #30

    I think I above all others should buy a round ....

    Thanks to all, and best for a good next year.

    Joe W. (W. Isn't my real name, and it isn't a political jab. Actually, it's an abbreviation, see ...)

  31. 2tePuaao2B | | #31

    Brought my real name along and still missed another happy hour~ shit~ er fert lizer

  32. T7sX5ebany | | #32

    Dear Robert,

    The reason you have no faith in the honesty of others is because of your own dishonesty.

    I think you accused yourself.

    Well, I think you accused me, the evidence is there - let the usual jury of lying, cheating, criminal fools decide...

    However, what you think of my honesty is (surprise!) missing the point.

    You really don't seem to understand anything unless it is presented in the most basic terms. So here goes...

    The reference to quotation marks was there to make the point, which you seem unwilling to accept in all its ramifications, that the names which people use on this, or any other forum, are incapable of verification.

    Making an honest point through humor has a long and honorable history. If you wish me to flag, for your benefit, when I'm using this technique please let me know. I would have thought that the two lines below the original comment might have given you a clue, but apparently not...

    Please note that in this posting I may well be using my own name.

    Reason for edit : to remove justifiable mockery

  33. user-757117 | | #33

    I don't see why it needs to be so complicated.
    I'm not sure that all off-topic comments deserve to be cut out or voted down.
    I think there is a difference between a little bit of productive off-topic and all kinds of unproductive off-topic.

    The "honour system" should be good enough.
    One aspect of the "honour system" is that it makes clear who is not able to operate within its confines.
    If one cannot resist the urge to argue (unproductively) off-topic then issue a challenge and take it to the "Tavern".
    Personally, however, I prefer to socialize in a tavern. Maybe there should be a thread started called "The Bike Racks" or "The Parking Lot".

  34. T7sX5ebany | | #34

    Sometimes people like to promote/defend how "green" they are.
    This thread (or one like it) would be a good place for such discussions.

    Dear John,
    At the risk of discrediting this idea by association, I agree. I wonder whether having a single thread as the vehicle for these discussions is going to be enough. The concept of a 'Tavern' is, if I understand it rightly, to allow a number of threads reflecting different nuances of argument over a wide range of topics to be carried on. To this end it would appear that just as there are sections for (hurriedly looking at the corner of the screen) "General Questions""Mechanicals""Green Products and Materials", for example, GBA could usefully have a "Tavern" section.
    It is highly unlikely that everything that should be in there will start off there. There would need to be some mechanism whereby a request could be made (to whom?) that a thread be curtailed (except for unambiguously on-topic postings) at a given point and the remainder of the posts be moved to the Tavern. This could, I appreciate, be thwarted by inserting occasional on-topic posts into the general melee which would require more unraveling than our hard-pressed Forum staff could provide.
    I hesitate to suggest that the forum participants be provided with a means of registering their opinion on whether a given post is on-topic or not, so I won't.

    Reason for edit : to substitute one term translated from Latin for another

  35. T7sX5ebany | | #35

    Dear Lucas,
    A simple system is certainly to be preferred. I suspect that it may run into a slight problem in that a "challenge" that something was off-topic and should be taken to the "The Bike Racks" (and on a green forum it would have to be "Bike Racks") would be fiercely resisted by counter-arguments that it was on-topic on the grounds that it formed part of the Great Cosmic Web of Relevance that was applicable to all problems and discussions. Or maybe not. Let's wait and see.

  36. Riversong | | #36

    Dear Robert,

    If this is not evidence of your disingenuousness, I don't know what is. I don't think anyone here would believe that I am dear to you.

    You really don't seem to understand anything unless it is presented in the most basic terms.

    Actually, I understand a few beyond-basic terms as well. But I don't read between the lines, which is a guarantee of misreading by injecting one's own bias and preconceptions into the words of another. I give people the courtesy of reading their words exactly as given.

    The reference to quotation marks was there to make the point, which you seem unwilling to accept in all its ramifications, that the names which people use on this, or any other forum, are incapable of verification.

    Since I've several times made the same point, you can hardly conclude that I refuse to accept it. What you refuse to consider, however, is that inviting people to use their real names offers a far greater chance of success than inviting people to be anonymous - which is the default setting.

    Either you refuse to consider that because of sheer obstinacy, or because of a fundamental mistrust of the honesty of other people - a mistrust that often originates in one's own tendency toward dishonesty projected onto others.

  37. T7sX5ebany | | #37

    Dear Robert,

    I wish you and all on the GBA forum a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

    kindest regards


  38. mike eliason | | #38

    oh robert, i bow to your obvious prowess and command of architectural embellishment! i never knew a gable roof on an appended walkway was a sign of 'welcoming entry' instead of 'ridiculous abortion'!

    i seriously fear for people you've taught design to.

  39. Riversong | | #39


    Having a little trouble with the "shift" key?

  40. 2tePuaao2B | | #40

    Don't give me any "shift"!
    Oh "shift", missed happy hour again....

  41. mike eliason | | #41

    it's the same trouble you have with its and it's, robert. except mine's intentional.

  42. Riversong | | #42

    Ah, so it's intentionally poor design, which apparently excuses it.

  43. user-869687 | | #43

    You people are driving me to drink.

    But I do encourage proper use of it's/its. The apostrophe signifies the missing letter, which is "i", from "it is".

  44. Riversong | | #44

    In English, the apostrophe is used for both contractions and the possessive. But, as with so many "rules" in English, there is no consistency. The apostrophe is used with some pronouns to form the possessive, but not with others.

    As with any rule that makes no sense or is inconsistent, it is "proper" to violate it. Thomas Jefferson did so in his use of the possessive "it's".

    There are a number of other similar "rules" that I do not follow, just as I don't abide laws that are unreasonable, unjust or immoral.

    As a minister of the Universal Life Church for 38 years, I follow the one tenet of the Church: do what is right.

  45. user-869687 | | #45

    You mean, the possessive "its". Yes it is a silly rule, so maybe it is better to spell out the phrase and avoid the apostrophe. Robert, if I can get picky for a second here, you have been guilty of throwing in unnecessary apostrophes in words that end in "s". It is no better than the roadside signs offering tomato's.

  46. Riversong | | #46

    No, I mean Thomas Jefferson spelled the possessive "it's".

    Me, guilty? Never deliberately, except in referring to a calendar decade:

    Is it the 60s or the 60's? Most people use the latter, but simple plural convention would have the former.

    Let's (that's [and so is that] a contraction) argue about this for a while.

  47. T7sX5ebany | | #47

    just as I don't abide laws that are unreasonable, unjust or immoral.

    just as I don't abide by laws that are unreasonable, unjust or immoral.

    just as I can't abide laws that are unreasonable, unjust or immoral.

    Me, guilty? Never deliberately,

    No-one is accusing you of committing this trivial solecism deliberately. Why so defensive?

    Reason for edit : to substitute 'strong' for 'elephant'

  48. user-869687 | | #48

    No, I mean Thomas Jefferson

    Oh, him.

    Of course in the olden days people wrote the language with some pretty wacky spelling, by today's standards. Or maybe the current version is what's wacky. I'm a little concerned about what Gen Y is doing with their mangled text message prose, because the kids these days learn language more from that than reading Rudyard Kipling or Herman Melville.

  49. Riversong | | #49

    I don't abide by laws that are unreasonable

    I'm happy to hear you don't abide by unreasonable laws that you can't abide.

    But my usage was correct: I don't abide (not that I can't, but that I choose not to tolerate) unjust laws.

    Why so defensive?

    I never get defensive, nor is there anything in my words to indicate such an emotional state. So why do you read between the lines what is there only by your own projection, indicating that defensiveness is your normal response to challenge (which your posts have demonstrated)?

    I don't abide people projecting their own emotional insecurities onto my words.

  50. T7sX5ebany | | #50

    A denial of guilt, which is what you're stating, is the very essence of defense in the legal sense. Nor did I ascribe to you any particular emotional state. It is thus apparent that your asserting of this is nothing more than reading between the lines of my post. Please note that this response is not defensiveness on my part but merely a statement of the facts of the matter.

  51. T7sX5ebany | | #51

    The progress of this thread so far (in which the subject matter has been both wide-ranging and off-topic) suggests that a credible case exists for the establishment of a "Tavern" category within the GBA Forum. We should, however, take note of the cautionary experience of Robert Riversong.

    My experience at Breaktime was that the unmoderated Tavern, accessible only to registered users and where almost anything could be said, got so mean and vicious that it spilled over into the regular discussion threads and the whole forum went into the gutter.

    Perhaps, having experience of this matter, Robert could advise as to how this might be avoided for our Forum.

  52. homedesign | | #52

    Timmy how dare you trash this thread ;-)
    I liked your other screenname better.

    Happy New Year to All

  53. Riversong | | #53

    advise as to how this might be avoided for our Forum

    By purging the forum of intellectual incompetents who resort to the logical equivalent of the playground "I know you are but what am I" response when they are caught with their foot in their mouth.

  54. mike eliason | | #54


    i think you are confusing defensive w/ arrogant, narrow-minded and self-important.

    i wonder if robert realizes the hypocrisy of calling others intellectual incompetents...

  55. MICHAEL CHANDLER | | #55

    Makers and Carolina Pale then.

    Or Fat Tire and Basil Hayden's if we're being hoity-toity.

  56. 2tePuaao2B | | #56

    John, I think you've created a monster.... love it... Happy New Year !

  57. homedesign | | #57

    It looks like stuff happens
    Better here than polluting the Q&A

    There have been a lot of good discussions, questions and comments at the Q&A
    Photo posting is really cool too

  58. T7sX5ebany | | #58

    Dear Mike,
    If the future prevents us using fossil fuels for transport we're all going to be living in a land ruled by the horse. I guess that's a true hippocracy ;-)

  59. T7sX5ebany | | #59

    Better here than polluting the Q&A


    There have been a lot of good discussions, questions and comments at the Q&A

    Yes, the Q&A has cleaned up nicely - interesting, diverse questions and concise, civil and constructive responses. While I agree with Roy, it's better to have a monster in one place rather than rampaging across the entire Forum.
    Reason for edit : to add agreeable content

  60. homedesign | | #60

    I thought I should point out
    there is NOT ........"A" Monster

    There are many monsters and children at play here
    as always self is included

  61. T7sX5ebany | | #61

    as always self is included

    Hi John,
    I do not remember a post of yours which was either monstrous or childish. Can you include a link?


  62. homedesign | | #62

    I went "postal" and had a tantrum on the new features thread

    and I know of many other times that I was Not-So-Nice
    and that's just the ones where I "caught myself" or someone pointed it out.

  63. T7sX5ebany | | #63

    I went "postal" and had a tantrum on the new features thread

    I won't bother trying to pick your one out amongst the myriad.... ;o)

  64. 2tePuaao2B | | #64

    I've been known to be brutally honest as well John... if thats what you're referring to you old meanie.

  65. anonymous | | #65

    Propaganda.... talk nonsense long enough and it becomes the truth.

    Breaktime.... yaa right. They ran Robert off the site happily and laugh at all the flame wars he gets into here.

    See for yourself. Breaktime is a good site and is doing well enough in his absence.

    Without his flaming there would be 99% less flaming here. Check any flame thread and see who is first to take it personal.

  66. Riversong | | #66

    Anonymous coward. Come forward and show yourself or slink back into the ooze whence you come.

    No one ran Robert off the site at Breakdown. Robert left the small-minded, ignorant imbeciles to mud wrestle amongst themselves.

    But now they are invading this last of the forums for intelligent conversation about building, and the only thing a Tavern (or even this discussion about having a Tavern) accomplishes is creating yet another cesspool for those who do not have the intelligence, the knowledge or the expertise to conduct a substantive argument to instead sling mud at those with whom they cannot compete (when they're not polluting someone else's thread with their bloviating inanities).

    Perhaps it's time to reconsider eugenics.

  67. 2tePuaao2B | | #67

    Thats what I'm talkin about!

  68. homedesign | | #68

    Nah... on 2nd thought I will edit myself

    we don't need a rumble

  69. anonymous | | #69

    Anonymous coward. Come forward and show yourself or slink back into the ooze whence you come.
    No one ran Robert off the site at Breakdown. Robert left the small-minded, ignorant imbeciles to mud wrestle amongst themselves.
    But now they are invading this last of the forums for intelligent conversation about building, and the only thing a Tavern (or even this discussion about having a Tavern) accomplishes is creating yet another cesspool for those who do not have the intelligence, the knowledge or the expertise to conduct a substantive argument to instead sling mud at those with whom they cannot compete (when they're not polluting someone else's thread with their bloviating inanities).
    Perhaps it's time to reconsider eugenics.

    What's to add? Send the case to the jury your honor.

  70. T7sX5ebany | | #70

    bloviate (2008-07-09)
    Part of Speech: verb
    Pronunciation: ['blo-vee-eyt]
    Definition: (U.S. Slang) To speak or write verbosely and windily.
    Usage: recommends that you not use this pseudo-word. We have plenty of words for boasters, bragging and bluster, including "vaunter," "braggadocio," and our recent Word of the Day, "fanfaronade."
    Suggested Usage: This is not a legitimate word (see Etymology), so we recommend you avoid using it. It is the case that illegitimately derived words are occasionally accepted by the speech community, as "stick-to-itativeness," "discombobulation," and "whachamacallit" illustrate. If "bloviate" sticks, "bloviation," "bloviating," "bloviator"—indeed the full panoply of derivations available to the Latinate verbs ending on -ate will be available to it.
    Etymology: A mock-Latin nonce word based on the English verb "blow" associated with blow-hard "braggart" and blow smoke "brag, deceive." The English word "blow" developed naturally via Old English blawen from PIE bhle(w)- that underlies "bladder," "blister," and "blast," which originally meant a strong gust of wind. So the root has nothing to do with Latin.

    Since neither Webster nor the OED had 'bloviate' I had to check on-line. This would seem to be a text-book example of projecting one's own failings onto an enemy to try and discredit them. The resorting to common abuse is, of course, proof of the lack of substantive argument of one's own.

    Dear Anonymous,
    Should you wish to rile (i.e. contradict) Robert in future, please do so under a realistic name. It will not reduce the intensity of the resulting bile but will give the rest of us less of it to read.
    Also, a jury must consist of the defendant's peers - know anywhere we can get twelve Roberts?

  71. homedesign | | #71

    What's to add? Send the case to the jury your honor.
    Answered by anonymous
    Posted Sat, 01/01/2011 - 18:40

    I agree with Robert.
    It IS cowardly of you to come over here and post anonymously.
    Not even enough courage to use your Breaktime screenname.

    Funny that you would use the word Propaganda
    A word that Piffin liked to throw around.

    There are just as many children at Breaktime as in the general population.
    Robert did not start the flame wars...and they never ended

    Your honor,
    I challenge you to take the time to read "who" STARTED the first "flame war" with Robert at Breaktime (and why)

  72. 2tePuaao2B | | #72

    Early Boh

  73. 2tePuaao2B | | #73

    Hey John, I think I broke the answer counter on your HTML for dummies thread.
    Sorry about that.

  74. Riversong | | #74

    Should you wish to rile (i.e. contradict) Robert in future, please do so under a realistic name.

    And this is, of course, exactly what "anonymous" did (on my Water thread) who quickly morphed into "Timmy O'Daniels" as soon as I refused to respond to his anonymous post, who is actually the reincarnation of "Steve El" who pretended he left this forum after acknowledging how disruptive he had been.

    Both alter egos went ballistic the first time I challenged them for their dishonesty. Both use the same make-believe erudition in order to subtly or flagrantly bait me under the pretense of seeking information and answers, and then accuse me of sidestepping their questions when I refuse to take the bait.

    And both represent exactly the kind of abuse of this discussion forum for the gratification of a juvenile ego that authenticated registration would prevent or at least minimize.

    Having a Tavern here would only encourage this. Thank you John Brooks for being one of the very few willing to call these adolescent bullies on their sh*t.

  75. MICHAEL CHANDLER | | #75

    I agree that people who post anonymously are more likely to post worthless and inflammatory drivel and that we would all be well served by a policy that would put a stop to this. I'm not sure what that policy would look like though.

    I really prefer honest disagreement about building science and best practices issues than the sniping and harassment that keeps creeping into the discussion.

    I respect Robert's knowledge and experience even if I disagree with him on philosophical and regional details. I do feel conflicted when the anonymous posters (AJ, Timmy) appear to be agreeing with my posts almost to poke aggravation at Robert.

    I really appreciate John Brooks' influence here in helping to keep the disagreements more respectful and in calling the bullies out for what they are.

  76. homedesign | | #76

    Timmy, or anonymous
    I understand that you may be in the witness protection program
    or you may not want your employer to know how much time you spend not doing your job.

    I think you are among the sandcastle bullies
    You spend much of your time here defending your right to be anonymous or bogus.
    I think you are ashamed and you are trying to justify your misdeed.

    See ... I told you I could be Not-So-Nice

  77. 2tePuaao2B | | #77


  78. wjrobinson | | #78

    Lucas, Look at my post back on the thread where you said take it to the Tavern.

    I posted to John Brooks who I like. ONE POST to a friend (I hope)

    Then Robert posted and I posted ONE POST.

    Then I posted a new thought of mine to do with this "real name" debacle that never goes away.

    And then... I said... finito... the end.. which is my new rule that I am following.

    So now you Lucas who was not involved jump in... Which makes this go on an on instead of being brief right? Correct, I see your head nodding.

    OK? OK.

    We all need to like and respect all. No matter how different we all our. That will make this site run as smooth as a babies behind. Right? Right.

    Demanding something like the"real name" demand endlessly will endlessly disrupt. OK.... As a nod to Robert, if they change it thru his militant attitude, then it will change.

    But, one thing you will never ever be able to do is verify real names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No one is going to have a police officer with a live cam setup come into their home and send out video of our drivers license and our face and our computers and cell phones and install special software to display all our IP addresses.

    It is pure ludicrous wrong thinking to believe it is possible to verify all that should have the liberty to post here at GBA that is owned by Taunton and not by Brooks, Riversong, Durand, etc.

    You all know how I feel. Every time you poke someone to add full names instead of some identifiable moniker, I most likely will counter with my thoughts.

    You be you... I'll be me.

    I like you all, and can live with your needs for names but... will counter that "want/need" politely.

    Wheewh... next...

    Someone restock this place with some IPAs

  79. Riversong | | #79

    We all need to like and respect all...That will make this site run as smooth as a babies behind.

    No, we don't NEED to like and respect all. We will respect those who deserve respect by contributing something of value.

    We will NOT respect those whose contributions amount to little more than what comes out of a baby's behind.

    AJ would almost be ignorable, but he seems to suffer from verbal diarrhea and dominates many threads with the excretions of his mind.

  80. 2tePuaao2B | | #80

    I don't blame you for hiding your real name. Fits the mold. Be afraid

  81. homedesign | | #81

    Thanks for the BOH

    Michael Chandler,
    Thanks for Listening.
    I am so glad you recognize the Anonymous Posting Problem

  82. Riversong | | #82


    BOH Bournemouth (UK) Airport Identifier
    BOH Bank of Hawaii
    BOH Board of Health
    BOH Back Of House
    BOH Board of Housing (Montana Dept of Commerce)
    BOH Bridge Of Hope
    BOH Badge of Honor
    BOH Bag of Holding
    BOH Balance on Hand
    BOH Boots of Haste (Tibia game)
    BOH Best of Highlands (Best of Highlands)
    BOH bottom of hill (US DoD)
    BOH Bat Outta Hell
    BOH Beginning On Hand (inventory)
    BOH Break-Off Height
    BOH Baseline Overhaul
    BOH Bay Osteopathic Hospital (Bay City, Michigan)
    BOH Bad on Hand
    BOH Before Office Hours
    BOH Bros Over Hoes
    BOH B-hydroxyethyl hydrazine (forced fruiting of pineapples)
    BOH Bad Obstetrics History

  83. wjrobinson | | #83

    Robert, say it and it must be true. LOL Last I noticed our posts were both informative and both with the same info. LOL

    "aj bad, aj bad, aj bad, aj bad, aj bad" LOL That doesn't work? Hmmm, let's go get some cute pics.. that's it... funny and what the heck.... the untruth sinks in... me mind control man...

    Roy, sorry to leave your name out, of course I do know you have your koolaid handy.

    aj bad aj bad aj bad aj bad..........................

    Quote one post anyone of you where I state some thing that does not pass your litmus test and just to make it a bit easier for us, any posts in 2011.

    Roy, John, Lucas, you are such followers... chin up, be your own man boys.

    Having fun with you all... relax and enjoy... maybe Robert and John can post some more funny pics. I love em.

    Would be nice if they stayed here in the "Tavern." I tried to start a thread to do with solar gain on building siding and roofing, but no... Robert the fun guy felt threatened, and had to post a picture of black people...????????? Closed down all you followers.. from jumping in with some good discussion. Dead thread... Hey... get the boys.. we are formin a posse.. we'll catch him... and when we do.. string em up to a tree that dirty no good no real name interloper!! How dare he think he can stay unreal when we said fess up and get a name already!

  84. 2tePuaao2B | | #84

    The guy seems to put a lot of time and effort into his stuff. It's really a shame that he has to be so weird about something like his name. The lack of confidence is reflected by the wording selected in many of his posts. I'm sure that some of the content is useful though.
    I hope he gets the courage to come out of the closet soon . For his own sake, not anyone elses.

  85. wjrobinson | | #85

    This latest fireside chat started because John Brooks asked for Katie's last name.

    I stand by my post to John that he should not have done so. He could have offered his contact info to Katie whom he did not know and allowed her the liberty to take it farther, or not.

    It is not right for regulars here to ask for full names. GBA does not. It is their site.

    Privacy is not all about secrets. Some prefer not to go all in and some prefer differently.

    We are all different. Look around. Hopefully no one looks exactly like your ugly mug! Just kidding! I have no clue what any of you look like. But,, did your ego jump a bit? OK, no, because I said it.. LOL

    Get over yourselves and be nice to me boys... or find a stronger rope

    Robert, some good lynching pics next>?

  86. 2tePuaao2B | | #86

    Whats that......? Another rumble from the closet......
    Nattie Boh- One eyed Jack- From the land of pleasant living.....
    Darts anyone?

  87. Riversong | | #87

    Robert, some good lynching pics next?

    No need, since you do a fine job hanging yourself.

    Me, feel threatened? By your idiocy? You gotta be kidding.

    You started a thread on the usefulness of having a black house and nobody responded because there was nothing to say to such foolishness.

    You insisted that all responses be about the positive side of being black, so I shared the only possible answer: Black is Beautiful.

    Apparently that made you feel threatened. Get a life.

  88. 2tePuaao2B | | #88

    Is this the same guy that posts under different false identities to this site?

  89. wjrobinson | | #89

    Robert you are projecting. Nope. You know you closed down that topic by your pic post.

    I personally think most never have thought of the impact solar has on a building for winter heat gain residentially speaking. I never would have guessed at the temps I find now that I have had a device that makes reading surface temps easy. You could have politely chatted about it, but for some inane reason.

    Hit the sack oh wise one, we can grapple another time.

    Someday I'll treat you at the Green Mountain Coffee shop. It will be after a day of skiing a nice fresh powder drop in the woods nearby.


  90. Riversong | | #90

    He used to Roy, but he's reformed ;-)

  91. wjrobinson | | #91

    Roy, I have not been posting all the anonymouse and other stuff of late. Yes I am the guy that had way too much fun changing my name during the flame wars of many months past.

    A new year Roy. I am sticking with aj for 2011.

    Hey Roy... how do I know who you are? How does someone new here know if Roy is Roy instead of Sally? It's impossible. I am breaking my rule of multiposting but this thread is to do with non green yap so maybe not.

    Don't expect me back. I really am going to stick to my no multi off topic posting. If you jump into a disagreement that is not your deal, expect no response.

    Good night silly boys.


  92. Danny Kelly | | #92

    Was working late thought I would stop by for a few on the way home. Entertaining as always...glad I stopped by.

  93. Riversong | | #93

    You know you closed down that topic by your pic post.

    Grow up AJ and take responsibility for your own failures.

  94. homedesign | | #94

    Cheers Danny,
    what's a tavern without a good bar song
    sorry about the commercial

  95. wjrobinson | | #95

    Robert, it was a post, how in hell does it become a failure yaa goofy Vermonter? LOL

    Just a post... Just a post... just a post.

    Someone, anyone... explain how Robert arrives at "failure" from my solar warming post?????

    OK.. Danny... no thanks... Had enough IPAs to float over to Roberts side of the pond.... ewh! A bit too green for me. Robert, when do yaa change the water in that hot tub buddy?

  96. wjrobinson | | #96

    Stoke the fire and turn the lights out last one out... Roy... John

  97. Riversong | | #97

    Don't expect me back.

    ...more than two or three more times...

  98. Danny Kelly | | #98

    Cheers John.
    Good song although I prefer a good sing along
    I thought in Texas it would look a little more like this:

    This thread is getting kind of long - you may need to start a new Tavern each month or so.
    See ya around

  99. user-757117 | | #99

    BOH B-hydroxyethyl hydrazine (forced fruiting of pineapples)

    Robert, I had no idea that the fruiting of a pineapple could be forced.

  100. user-757117 | | #100

    I think I'll put another quarter in the jukebox as well.
    I think a good end of the night song that's also a sing-along.

  101. Danny Kelly | | #101

    Thanks for that one Lucas - never heard of them. Liked the flute solo - couldn't decide if it reminded me of Devil Went Down to Georgia or maybe Aces High (Fe Maiden)

    Gotta head home boys - last song for me, RIP Gerry

    pour a little out for my homie.

  102. Riversong | | #102
  103. homedesign | | #103

    Good video pick

    I think that we should move the Tavern or something like it Off-Site
    Don't laugh.......
    there is a good chance that people will use real names
    and the ignore feature might be handy sometimes

    GBA Q&A is THE BEST PLACE for Construction and Building Science Discussions

    thanks primarily to the 2 best teachers .....Martin & Robert

  104. Riversong | | #104

    I agree. Time to shut down this "speakeasy".

    But you won't see me at Facebook or any of the other "social networking" sites.

    And, have you heard two important pieces of news?

    1) the Gov'mnt is trying to force Twitter and other networking sites to turn over private conversations in order to prosecute (or is that persecute) Wikileaks (as if they don't already monitor every bit and byte on the internet and radio waves).

    2) Facebook just sold a billion dollars worth of private stock to two global firms (half to Goldman Sachs, which runs the US gov'mnt) and Twitter is about to do the same. Why is Facebook valued at $50b? Could it be because it controls the private data of 500 million tech-savvy people?

  105. 2tePuaao2B | | #105

    I have no private data~ no freedom in having to maintain private data~ just shackles

  106. homedesign | | #106

    Clark Howard recommends a stand alone computer for anything you want to keep "private"

    you should fully encase your home in foil-faced polyiso too ;-)

    and as always.. 2 layers with joints staggered

  107. homedesign | | #107

    Next person to comment on this thead should be willing to start a new OFF-SITE chatroom
    not me
    I would rather get back to BS for a while

  108. Riversong | | #108

    recommends a stand alone computer for anything you want to keep "private"

    Except these can be seized and confiscated with either a legitimate warrant or a "national security letter", as we've seen recently with raids on the homes and offices of peace activists (aka "terrorists").

  109. Riversong | | #109

    The new off-site chatroom will be my outdoor wood-fired hot tub. Anyone care to join me?

  110. user-757117 | | #110

    Robert, what is it lined with and how do you circulate the heat?
    The finnish people who settled here brought the sauna with them. There will be a wood-fired sauna outside my place soon. Once you get used to a sauna there's no going back.
    I think I'll put a composting toilet off a foyer in the same shack.

  111. Riversong | | #111

    It's not lined. It's a red cedar barrel with rounded T&G joints between staves, a 6/4 T&G cedar bottom that sits in a dado near the bottom of the staves, and three steel compression hoops to keep it all together. As long as there's always water in it, it stays tight - just like any good barrel of old.

    I have a small 120V submersible fountain pump (on a GFI outlet) in the bottom that circulates the cold water to the top while it's cooking. That pump has been working for the twelve or so years I've had the tub. To keep it from freezing too deeply, I fire it up once a week whether I need a bath or not ;-)

    I'll confess that I put 1" of XPS under the wooden cover to keep the heat in. I "treat" the water only with an occasional box of baking soda to keep the PH up, and change it only a couple times a year. The cedar keeps it sweet and colors the water with tanins even after all these years.

  112. Steve El | | #112

    Just for the record, I have never posted on this site under any name other than "Steve El" or "Anonymous", I have no idea who Timmy is or what he's said (since I've only read GBA Advisor comments and those that mention my name), and until yesterday I hadn't visited the site since sometime before last winter solstice.

    Steve El

  113. 2tePuaao2B | | #113

    Robert Riversong has been banned from The GBA site by Martin as a direct result of responding to the harrassment of anonymous posters. People that hit and run without using a real name. This site has lost a valuable asset because of it.
    Tavern talk

  114. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #114

    Your statement is false. He was banned from the site for posting a series of insults and for offensive language, including a four-letter word beginning with F. These offensive postings continued even after he was warned twice, by telephone, that his posts were violating GBA policy.

  115. 2tePuaao2B | | #115

    Having communicated with Robert myself, I have learned that the behavior that caused his demise from this site was in responce to the repeated harrassment over time from anonymous postings. I have witnessed this first hand and can relate to Robert's frustration. Why I'd venture to say that even you Martin have considered that 4 letter word at various points. There aren't many halo's being handed out these days... at least you don't have to worry about having his opposing opinions getting in your way.

  116. Steve El | | #116

    Whatever he may have been responding to, the behavior, whatever it was, was his choice. Except in cases of mental illness or drugs, there are always choices, and each choice has natural consequences. Robert mentioned to me in another thread that some Quaker Elders teach it takes two to take offense. I think Robert is dead to rights to question whether whole-house foam is "green". I'm highly skeptical, personally. However, I have immense respect for those who care enough to think otherwise, and out of the cacophony of opinions - many of which I disagree with - I have faith a better world is possible. Maybe the behavior wasn't the result of 3rd party harrassment as much as it was his reaction when other people object to the notion of their being only a single path and anyone not embracing that path is (fill in the blank). In any case, these conversations often seem pointless if they are so rife with animosity that few people pay much attention. So I'll miss his technical contributions and his questioning of status quo but its not at all clear to me that the sight will be less effective in terms of overall advocacy.

    Steve El

  117. Danny Kelly | | #117

    A lot of star wars references lately
    Robert with Yoda
    Carl with Darth Vader and the Empire
    I think it is making sense now
    Is this tavern in fact the Cantina on Tatooine?

  118. user-757117 | | #118

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