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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I'll give you high marks for a better-than-average job. Good work. If your house includes roof protection at the exterior of the door -- an essential feature of a good installation -- you're all set.

  2. milwaukee | | #2

    Thanks for the reply and compliments. Have you seen this before for a brick house retrofit? Is the pan flashing meeting what you said about over-hang over the brick sill? How good is the installation of the rough opening?

    Yes there is a 18 inch over hang with gutters above. And a storm door will also be installed.

  3. milwaukee | | #3

    any other comments. thanks

  4. Expert Member

    Other comments? It's a damn-sight better than when I do it.

  5. milwaukee | | #5

    Do you think it will stand the test of time? thanks again.

  6. milwaukee | | #6

    need more feedback pls.

  7. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #7

    It's fine to ask technical questions here. But fishing for compliments may not result in many results.

  8. milwaukee | | #8

    true enough. thanks for the compliments. I will try to improve the install on my next door.

  9. davidmeiland | | #9

    I'm not sure the BlueSkin material is doing anything. A refinement would be to have a fully-soldered sheet metal pan fabricated, which is what I generally do if an installation is exposed to a lot of rain.

    I've taken apart more door installations than I can remember, and only one or two had a metal pan under them. Of course, the main reason I am taking them apart is that they leak, so maybe I am not getting called to the ones that are done right?

  10. Expert Member
    MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #10

    Martin's first post hit the nail on the head. Doors, windows and walls shouldn't do the heavy lifting.The primary protection of the building enclosure against the elements should be the roof. Generous overhangs and porches are your best friends.

  11. milwaukee | | #11

    The overhang of the roof over this door is about 2 feet. It has been raining a lot in the last three days. Good thing I put a storm door in front of the finished door.

  12. milwaukee | | #12

    pic included

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