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Double stud wall & furring strips

Bluesky1 | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Hi –

I am building a 900 sq ft house in south-central Maine. My wall bays are 10″ deep (double 2″x4″ stud walls with 1/2″ plywood sheathing with Tyvek). There is no exterior insulation. I taped the sheathing seams and will be air sealing the stud bays, then filling with dense pack cellulose/drywall.

My question is as follows: I want to ensure my exterior plywood sheathing stays dry and/or has the ability to dry out sufficiently. I am considering adding either 1 x 3 furring strips on top of the tyvek/plywood every 16″ and attaching my wood clapboard siding to the strips. Do the furring strips make sense given the tyvek? ( In other words, will the strips add any drying value via ventilation or will the tyvek prevent the circulating air from reaching the plywood?).

Additionally, as an extra precaution, I treated my framing lumber and sheathing with Bora-Care to reduce chance of rot/mold.

I’ve been following the cold sheathing discussion for years and I’m at a critical point in my build – any and all thoughts appreciated on the matter.


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Yes, you want to install furring strips. Every double-stud wall needs to have a ventilated rainscreen gap between the siding and the sheathing. You still need a WRB (in your case, Tyvek), and the WRB is installed on the exterior side of the sheathing, under the furring strips. Since Tyvek is vapor-permeable, it will not prevent the sheathing from drying to the exterior.

    For more information, see All About Rainscreens.

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