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Drying the walls to interior or exterior ? (XPS or Rigid Wool exterior insulation)

SebMaz | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on


I’ll start to insulate and put the sidings on. I’m just worried about what type of insulation I should go with to avoid problems later: XPS or Rigid Wool.

The siding that I will use has a layer of EPS under it and an Epoxy + Quartz outside layer. (2.2 inches)

I want to add more insulation under It to make it a total (of ~4.5 inches) I have a vapor-permeable water/wind barrier on my outside sheets (OSB) and no vapor barrier inside, my question if I go with Rigid Wool will it help me avoid moisture/osb rotting problems? or it won’t make any difference since I will have EPS sidings over it?

I have relatively medium-dry weather (cold winters / hot summers), and a steel frame house.


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