Efficient roof hatch?

In a flat roof row house, I have a hatch similar to a commercial building to access my roof. There is no ceiling to speak of, save for a small crawlspace in the front. I will be insulating on the underside of the roof deck, thereby making the roof hatch an integral part of the insulated ceiling.
I have been surprised to find very little on the market in the way of an energy efficient, well insulated roof hatch.
Anyone with a suggested vendor or product? I would just hate to spend so much effort creating a well insulated roof, only to leave a 3′ square opening for conditioned air to escape.
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Bilco makes an insulated roof hatch. It's only R-12 -- that's not much -- but at least it's insulated.
You can also build your own roof hatch; I've done it. First you build and flash the curb. Then you build your hatch (built like a SIP) and hinge it to one of the sides of the curb. The top layer (usually plywood) of your hatch should overhang the curb for watertightness. Finish the top of the hatch with EPDM or metal roofing.
A third option is to buy a commercial R-12 hatch and then build an inner insulated hatch that hinges inward.