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Electric combi boiler brands in US

jenniferz5 | Posted in Mechanicals on

Does anyone have any experience with (and recommendations for) electric combi boilers that are available in the US?  I am in Zone 5a, CT.  Thank you.

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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett | | #1

    At CT style incoming water temps and CT style electric rates the last thing you want is an electric boiler or electric combi-boiler, especially the low-mass wall hung types, which would require MASSIVE electrical wiring to deliver barely adequate domestic hot water service.

    While it's possible to get reasonable hot water service out of tank-type electric combi's the operating costs for space heating a typical home are pretty extreme at CT's 20+ cents/kwh type residential rates.

    If you insist on going there anyway, Thermo 2000's ComboMax Ultra series should be pretty good (no experience, but a well regarded company that has a long and good history with hydronic indirect water heaters and buffer tanks, etc.):

  2. jenniferz5 | | #2

    Thanks, Dana. I just heard about electric boilers for the first time yesterday, after getting a quote on a heat pump install, as I insisted on "only electric."

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