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Foil-wrapped bubble pack vapor barrier / insulation

gordonkeel | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Any comments on Covertech’s rFOIL brand? Makes great claims when air spaces are created between two layers of foil AND another between the foil and the wall surface – works for my application because

Was reading Martin’s expose on foil barrier sham claims, wondering if some foils are better than others, and if this is a good application for a somewhat limited product.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I have no reason to believe that some brands of foil-faced bubble wrap are better than others.

    If you create air spaces and line the air spaces with a radiant barrier, the radiant barrier will help raise the R-value of the air space from about R-1 to R-2 or R-3 -- until the radiant barrier gets dusty. Once it is dusty, the R-value of the air space will drop back down to about R-1.

    The improvement in R-value comes from the radiant barrier, not the bubble wrap. If you take this approach, you can save money by purchasing radiant barrier foil rather than foil-faced bubble wrap.

    That said, I don't recommend this approach. Real insulation is always cheaper, easier to use, and longer-lasting.

    (If any GBA readers want to read my article on the topic, here is the link: Stay Away from Foil-Faced Bubble Wrap.)

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