Fun article “The Pitfalls of an Underground House”

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Saw this and thought that people on GBA might find it interesting.
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I was just going to post this :) It seems like an excellent cautionary tale of building science (or lack thereof) going wrong. As I read this, I kept thinking to myself, "this is a basement that got built poorly, but it's the whole house and the roof is another bad basement wall. It's really tragic that this is supposed to be their retirement home and they don't seem equipped to solve the water problems. It seems that water problems are nearly all of their serious problems.
Seems like to really fix it, the entire thing would need to be excavated, cleaned, waterproof membrane of some sort applied. Roof drainage paths then would need to be ensured. After that a serious rainscreen of sorts on vertical walls and roof put in place. Then cover the whole thing back up. Don't know -- just guessing. And they still would have mold inside. I do not envy them.