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Green Building, Construction and Craftperson Youtube Channels

Doug_Epperly | Posted in General Questions on

Good Day All,

I enjoy following, and learn a lot from, Youtube channels on construction techniques, green building, and watching master craftspersons at work. The main channels I follow are: Matt Risinger (green building products, construction techniques, etc.), Brad at Knarly Carl (plumbing), and Finish Carpentry TV. I’d like to expand this playlist – do you all have similar channels that you follow and would recommend?

Thanks, Doug

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  1. gozags | | #1

    This old house has some stuff. JLC has a few I think. Essential Craftsman is super popular but not a lot of content. NS Builders has a lot of older videos. Risinger has worked with them.

  2. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #2

    Douglas, I would also check out Fine Homebuilding's video series.

    And ProTradeCraft--they are a bit under the radar but have a ton of great information. Dan Morrison, the guy who runs it, was also largely responsible for starting GBA. (He's also a friend of mine but I would recommend his site anyway.)

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