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Green building site feature idea: Fuelly for houses?

joshdurston | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Maybe it exists elsewhere, but it would fit with the theme of this site.  Basically create something like Fuelly but for houses.  Fuelly is a vehicle fuel economy tracking and comparison site.

Give home owners a chance to track energy costs over time, and compare their homes to others based on whatever metrics they choose.   Make it easy to import

Home owner would enter a simple profile of the home:
-Sq Ft., location, optional construction details like equipment, insulation levels, windows etc.
-energy bills units of energy and $$$

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  1. user-1072251 | | #1


  2. Peter Yost | | #2

    The organization Efficiency First has been pushing for years for the US to adopt the Home Energy Score system, so that all homes--including existing ones--could be compared from an energy performance stance.

    See here:

    I am not sure where this effort stands these days but Congress needs to take action so that might explain things...


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