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  1. Tom_Maine | | #1

    Hi Nick, would this dryer negate the need for exterior venting as with traditional dryers? I am not sure how it would expel the moisture. Could you explain some of how this would work in layman's terms.

  2. NickWelch | | #2

    Hi Tom. From the outside, it appears to function much like a common condensing dryer -- it has no vent and drains water out through a pipe. The difference is that the heat pump inside makes it much more efficient than a typical condensing dryer.

  3. fitchplate | | #3

    What LG says:

    LG already has Heat recovery/condensing dryers in European market. Looks like the current innovation is to make it compatible with 220 volt/30 amp supply.

  4. propeller | | #4

    Pros and cons of condensing dryers under this link from your friends up north.
    The conclusion was: "...In summary, condensing dryers take considerably longer to dry than vented dryers, consume more energy and may result in more wear on the clothes as a result..."

  5. user-1137156 | | #5

    "Pros and cons of condensing dryers under this link from your friends up north.
    The conclusion was: "...In summary, condensing dryers take considerably longer to dry than vented dryers, consume more energy and may result in more wear on the clothes as a result..."


    UNFORTUNATELY this quote does NOT mention heat pump clothes dryers!
    The Canadians as well as residents of the USA have not had access to heat pump dryers as all the units sold in Europe require 50 HZ power.

  6. user-1137156 | | #6

    Thank you for finding this! Unfortunately it is only an announcement at the CES & the product is STILL NOT AVAILABLE! Hopefully it too won't be cancelled as several others have. Exactly what the capabilities and specifications of the model introduced, DLHX4072U, are is a bit of mystery as well as I have found it listed as being both 27" wide and 29" wide. I have been unable to find a complete specification. I can't be certain that it is "ventless". I can't be certain that it doesn't supplement the heat pump with resistance heat, as some of LG's European products do (to reduce drying time).

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