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Housewrap alternative?

jim1959 | Posted in General Questions on

Building just outside of Memphis, TN – the home is all brick with OSB sheathing. The builder doesn’t think housewrap is necessary- when they spray paint the soffit and fascia, they also spray the OSB (not thick, not full coverage, but a thin breathable mist)- does this produce the same benefits as house wrap?

Secondly- using vinyl windows, they do not spray foam aroound them as they say if the window gets moved during construction they cannot adjust the fit once it’s been foamed. True or BS?


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Every exterior wall must have a water-resistive barrier (WRB). It is required by code. Your WRB can be housewrap, but there are other options. There is such a thing as a liquid-applied WRB -- but ordinary paint is not a WRB. To learn more about the wide variety of WRB products available, see All About Water-Resistive Barriers.

    Concerning the vinyl windows: the gap between the rough opening and the window is a potential air leakage site and must be sealed against air infiltration. This can be done with spray foam (carefully -- you don't want to use too much), a special gasket, or (in some cases) with caulk. It cannot be left unsealed. The building code requires all such cracks to be sealed against air infiltration.

    For more information, see New Air Sealing Requirements in the International Residential Code.

  2. jinmtvt | | #2

    The builder doesn't think housewrap is necessary...


    If he does so, let him propose his "approved" scheme for water management ,
    and then call in your inspector to verify !

    Paint would need to be approved product ?
    Then it needs to be able to stretch small voids and shrinkage cracks.
    Very risky business if you ask me. Tyvek et all. are very safe, easy and cheap.

    Secondly- using vinyl windows, they do not spray foam aroound them as they say if the window gets moved during construction they cannot adjust the fit once it's been foamed. True or BS?""""""""""

    please explain " get moved during construction " ??
    are they putting the windows in before the walls ?? :p
    again let him propose is "sealing" plan and have it checked

    it does sound like BS :)

  3. Expert Member
    ARMANDO COBO | | #3

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