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How to heat indoor pool and combine with dehumidifier?

indoorpooltech | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

To build a small indoor pool, about 12’x16’x4′, I need to dehumidify the space and heat the pool water. I would like to combine the two functions with a heat pump that uses hot attic air, feeds the pool heat exchanger and a dehumidifier, hopefully I can use the condensed the output from the dehumidifier to dump it into the pool for an extra bonus. What components should I buy? Thanks for any suggestions!

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    If you aren't sure what type of equipment to buy, it might be useful for you to consult with a mechanical engineer or a contractor who specializes in indoor pools. This type of job is not a good match for improvisation or experimentation.

    If you want to install a dehumidifier in a room that needs heating, then the dehumidifier should be located in the room. It will simultaneously dehumidify the room and give off heat.

    Since you didn't tell us your climate zone, we can't assess whether it makes sense to put an air-source heat pump in your attic. In most areas of the U.S., an attic is sometimes hot and sometimes cold. In most areas of the country, I wouldn't recommend installing any HVAC equipment in an unconditioned attic.

    That said, the piece of equipment you are describing is called an air-to-water heat pump.

    Because swimming pools don't require very hot water (as is needed for domestic hot water), a solar thermal system can be a good way to heat a swimming pool. If you live in a sunny climate, you might consider installing unglazed solar collectors that are specifically designed to heat swimming pool water.

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