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HRV’s “recirculation mode” ? that some have and others don’t

Greg808 | Posted in General Questions on

I’m looking clarification on this “recirculation” feature listed for some of these VanEE HRV/ERV models. There is a chart on the site linked below, listing several Vanee models and there is a column marked “recirculation mode”. Then it says yes or no for which models have this.

you have to press escape to get rid of the pop up on this

I was a bit confused on this. I assumed every model has the option to exchange air for a certain amount of time in the hour and then recirculate the existing air. Assuming the house fan will just do that while the HRV takes a break.

So is that mode for like…when the HRV is hooked up to it’s own dedicated duct work? And needs move air on it’s own?

I also saw “recirculate exhaust air” mentioned as a DEFROST method, so maybe that’s what that is?

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  1. acrobaticnurse_Eli | | #1

    I have the Braun AI 210 ERV with dedicated ductwork. Recirculate mode would be to recirculate air within the house via the ERV ductwork. I can use the advanced controller to have an intermittent mode where it brings in fresh air for a set amount of time per hour and then recirculates for the rest of the time. This is mostly useful to me if I want less than the minimum amount of fresh air that the 210 can provide, in my case 65 cfm. 

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