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Insulation refit and balancing the insulation.

david.m | Posted in Plans Review on

House located in zone 2A, off the ground ~ 2 feet (1800 sq ft). The house has a sloped metal roof with 2 x 6 rafters on 24 inch centers and 2 x 4 stud walls on 16 inch centers. Currently there is no insulation in the walls or floor and 5 1/2 inches of fiberglass on the attic floor.

Attic Unvented (~R30) 5 1/2 inch fiberglass batt with 2 inches of rigid poly iso foam.
Walls (~R20) 3 1/2 inch fiberglass batt with 1 1/2 inches of rigid poly iso foam.
Floor (~(R13) 2 inches of closed cell foam.
Windows triple pane low e argon gas filled.

Is this a balanced insulation plan? I am looking for the most bang for my buck and was wondering if these insulation levels made sense together?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Most builders would probably argue that it's hard to justify the use of triple glazing in Climate Zone 2. Even Passivhaus builders have managed to meet the Passivhaus standard in Climate Zones 2 and 3 with just double glazing.

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