Is there such a thing as eco-friendly soundproofing?

I’m looking to build my own recording studio in one of my spare bedrooms and need some absorption products to get rid of the reverb. Any suggestions are much appreciated!
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If you are looking for acoustic conditioning to reduce re-verb for a recording studio you can build a bass trap to minimize the boominess and a refractive phase grating to improve presence.
For sound absorption the California Manual of Sound Transfer Coefficients for Building Assemblies can give you a lot of good information. A double-stud wall with 1" air space between the studs and rock wool insulation between the studs with a one inch air space between the insulation batts works well if all flanking paths are addressed with low-VOC sealant (Bostik Home makes a good one)
I hope this gives you a good start. I may have some old drawings around here somewhere. It's been a while since I built recording studios and I don't know where my STC book has gotten off to so I probably have the title wrong on that.
Acoustiblock - kind of expensive but a very good product and 100% recyclable.
If you'd really like "eco-friendly" materials, you might consider a thick coat of earthen plaster (clay, sand and chopped straw), with perhaps a top coat of lime, sand, horse manure plaster (no shit, it makes a wonderful finish). Lots of sound-attenuating mass and good surface texture to break up reverb.
I've heard that audimute also has eco-friendly products...their sheets are supposedly made with cotton and recycled paper and their insulation product is made from old tire rubber..i saw their videos on youtube..might be worth checking out?