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Looking for a small garden window that vents from the top or front

Lisa_Tom | Posted in General Questions on

It’s going into a tight L-shaped corner of the house, so it’s confined, so in actuality don’t really need a side window. Also a possibility would be a 90 degree box bay window, but I only want a window 2’6 x 5’0. Another restraint is I am in California which is fire prone, so would prefer to stay away from a wood exterior frame. My internet searches have been fruitless and frustrating.

Thanks for your help

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I'm not sure what you want. A window that hinges at the bottom is called a hopper window. A window that hinges at the top is called an awning window. A window that slides up and down is called a single-hung window or a double-hung window. A window that slides right and left is called a slider.

    What type of window are you looking for?

  2. user-659915 | | #2

    For readers who are unfamiliar with the term garden windows are like little greenhouse boxes tacked onto the side of a house, often as replacements for a window over the kitchen sink (photo attached). We've taken out lots of them because of their dreadfully poor energy performance as well as for condensation and leakage problems. In most exposures they aren't even good for the little potted herb gardens that people like to put in them because of excessive exposure to direct sunlight and overheating. Lisa, any vinyl replacement window shop can probably fabricate what you want but I certainly wouldn't recommend it. If you want a plant shelf over the sink get a builder to install a standard window, preferably fixed glass, in a cantilevered projecting frame enclosure with properly insulated side walls, floor and roof and with an overhang large enough to prevent overheating.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    Thanks, James.

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