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Mouse pee

Dan1957 | Posted in General Questions on

I know this is off the path but thought I’d throw it out there.
New gas range purchased in dec. A mouse got in the insulation surrounding the oven, when the oven heats up the whole house stinks bad.  I took top off found an area of pee trimmed the insulation and sprayed the area with Clorox.  That helped but smell is still there. Contacted the only appliance repair in area. They said junk it buy a new stove!!!  I know you can buy an insulation kit and replace it buy appliance people claim once the pee gets on metal the smell cant be removed. Just seems crazy to me thought I’d get others imput.

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  1. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #1

    It’s possible to clean, but it takes work. I usually use a product called “natures miracle” (available at pet stores) that is an enzymatic cleaner that breaks down urine. It is specifically for this purpose to clean up pet messes, but works for mice too. Once you’re done with that, clean again with bleach solution. That’s about as good as you can do. You should be able to completely clean the metal, but any soft stuff that absorbs the urine (like the insulation) needs to be replaced.

    Mice tend to do other damage too. Make sure they haven’t chewed any of the electrical wiring which could be a fire hazard. Repair any damage you find.


  2. seabornman | | #2

    Febreze in large amounts has cured one problem I had in a couch.

  3. walta100 | | #3

    Before you get elbow deep in mouse pee Google hantavirus.


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