Noise of Heat Pump – Chiltrix and/or Arctic Heat Pump – And Distance to Basement

What concerns, if any, ought I to have about NOISE of heat pumps, specifically 2 chained Chiltrix heatpumps CX34 or Arctic heat pump HMFP060A [ the biggest one, with 2 fans ].
Any pro’s or con’s of either re performance, price wise or quality / robustness ?
What is the max distance between outside condenser and basement heat exchange unit or, in other words, are there any issues if it is around 10-12 meters (33 to 40 feet) ?
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I just installed a Chiltrix CX34 in an outdoor enclosure--a 3'd x 6'w x 4' high open stucco closet 7' above ground level, as the city-required setback does not allow equipment to be located on the ground. The unit emits a 65-dBa hum when operating. Frankly, the volume is not as noticeable as the high pitch of the sound. I'm planning to install acoustic blocking material to the stucco walls of the enclosure in hopes of reducing the sound.