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Passive Aggressive House

user-5706305 | Posted in PassivHaus on

What are the Pros and Cons of a Passive Aggressive House?

How do you know if your house is Passive Aggressive?

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  1. user-5706305 | | #1

    It gives you the silent treatment
    It makes intentional mistakes or costly bills
    Has a Hostile attitude
    Complaints of injustice and lack of appreciation

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    The EnergyCircle blog beat you to this one. Their blog was published back in 2013: Introducing the Passive Aggressive House.


  3. AlanB4 | | #3

    It should periodically remind you that building that house was a huge use of resources

    It should also insist you only drive an electric car, but only allow you to charge at the same percentage as the renewable energy mix in your state/province

    it should discipline you for your electricity usage by randomly dimming all the lights, disabling the dryer when you go over your monthly allocation, and insist you bought windows with a too high u factor

  4. user-5706305 | | #4

    George Lutz: Houses don't kill people. People kill people.

  5. AlanB4 | | #5
  6. user-5706305 | | #6

    Father Callaway: Your house frightens me, Mrs. Lutz.

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