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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Yes, as long as the proposed foundation meets your local building code. In many jurisdictions, your foundation will need to be designed by an engineer. In some rural areas, however, there may be no building codes whatsoever.

  2. Riversong | | #2

    For what? An out building?

    On good soils, it's possible to build a small, one-storey building on piers. For larger and taller buildings, the piers often have to be sufficiently large and the girders sufficiently robust that it's easier and less expensive to build on continuous footings and a frost wall.

    A couple of lower cost alternative include a rubble-trench foundation and a shallow, frost-protected foundation.

    Make sure you're not building on expansive clay soils.

  3. Armando Cobo | | #3

    Usually a Post & Pier foundation is used after the Plasticity Index (PI) and the Potential Vertical Rise (PVR) are found too high when a soils test is performed in your lot; usually those are really bad soils. An experienced Engineer should design this type of foundations. If you do not need it, there are several less expensive alternatives.

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