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Quietest Condensate Pump?

BrunoF | Posted in General Questions on

I have my hvac energized in my house build and while the air handler is almost silent, the condensate pump is quite noisy.  I have the air handler inside the building envelope so they are more likely to be heard than those with them in an attic but it is the pump that is the issue.

any suggestions on condensate pumps that are known to be quiet?


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  1. BrunoF | | #1

    Just bumping this back up…

  2. gusfhb | | #2

    Is the pump accessible? Frequently pumps of all sorts are not that loud but when allowed to vibrate against something[like a condensate pan] they can get loud. It might be possible to better isolate it and quiet it down

  3. walta100 | | #3

    Would a gravity to a drain be possible in your home?

    Or a gravity to a pump located where the sound would not be a problem?

    My friend Google found this self-serving ad.,detectable%20to%20the%20human%20ear.


    1. Expert Member
      DCcontrarian | | #4

      Yeah, I'd say the quietest condensate pump is a gravity drain!

      Second quietest is a gravity drain to some place where the pump noise can be concealed.

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