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Random Google display ads on GBA

Martin Holladay | Posted in General Questions on

The Google display advertising department develops algorithms to determine which ads to display on which websites — and I think that they even target individual consumers based on their internet browsing history. (That’s a little creepy.)

You never know what’s going to pop up. Today I got a chuckle when an ad on GBA tried to sell me plastic grass for my front yard. Imagine that.

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  1. user-1135248 | | #1

    Turn off javascript, and then they won't be able to dig around
    in your browser history.


  2. Siffe | | #2

    "Turn off javascript, and then they won't be able to dig around
    in your browser history." -_H*

    That may help some, but it will also make almost all web sites unusable. Using Adblock Plus, DoNotTrackMe, and disabling 3rd party cookies probably would be a better solution.

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