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Replace windows | Posted in General Questions on

I live in British Columbia,Canada. Please reply the following questions. Thank you.
U-factor (W/m² – K): Is this number lower better or higher better?
U-factor (Btu/h/ft² – °F): Is this number lower better or higher better?
Glazing Cavity Width (mm): Is this number lower better or higher better?
Emissivity: Is this number lower better or higher better?
Low E Surface: Is surface 3 better or surface 2 better?
Solar Heat Gain (SHGC): Is this number lower better or higher better?
Visual Transmittance: Is this number lower better or higher better?
Air Leakage (m³/h/m): Is this number lower better or higher better?
Air Leakage (l/s/m²): Is this number lower better or higher better?
Spacer: Is stainless steel better than Hybrid (metal/non-metal)?
Thank you very much for your help.


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Many of your questions are answered in this article: All About Glazing Options

    U-factor (W/m² - K): Is this number lower better or higher better? Lower is better.

    U-factor (Btu/h/ft² - °F): Is this number lower better or higher better? Lower is better.

    Glazing Cavity Width (mm): Is this number lower better or higher better? It depends.

    Emissivity: Is this number lower better or higher better? Lower is usually better.

    Low E Surface: Is surface 3 better or surface 2 better? It depends.

    Solar Heat Gain (SHGC): Is this number lower better or higher better? It depends.

    Visual Transmittance: Is this number lower better or higher better? Higher is better.

    Air Leakage (m³/h/m): Is this number lower better or higher better? Lower is better.

    Air Leakage (l/s/m²): Is this number lower better or higher better? Lower is better.

    Spacer: Is stainless steel better than Hybrid (metal/non-metal)? No.

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