roof sheathing top course APA requirements

I recently received the following plan review comment from a notoriously-punctilious building inspection department on an application for a garage in Superior, WI:
“Make sure the top [course] of the roof sheathing is not less than 24 inches wide or blocked in a way that meets APA technical note (or other engineered solution)”
Is anyone able to cite the referenced technical note? I don’t want to be guilty of the kind of hubris demonstrated by the “I haven’t heard of that before, so it must not exist” kind of reasoning, so at this point I’m not going any further than, “I haven’t heard of that before, and I’d be surprised it exists.”
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The plan checker is correct. Min width is 24" or fully blocked panel edges for smaller panels on an unblocked roof diaphragm.
Requirements aside, I always plan my sheathing layout to avoid narrow strips at the ridge. It's the only spot I've ever had my leg go through on a job with just H-clips, and I only weigh 170 lbs.