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Roof venting

415irwin | Posted in General Questions on

We are building a 3/12 shed roof with parallel trusses North of Ottawa (zone 6-7). The roof is sloping to the South. We’re wondering about potential for venting problems during winter with North and NE winds, as we think the wind catching the North wall will disrupt the normal venting of the roof. The site is fairly protected but these winds will blow on and off throughout the winter.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    As long as your roof assembly is well built -- with appropriate insulation that is installed well, and a ceiling that is fairly airtight -- there is no reason to worry.

    If you are depending on the effectiveness of its ventilation layer to keep your roof assembly from failing, something is probably wrong with the quality of your work or your choice of materials. Roof ventilation is much less important than most people think.

    For more information on this topic, see How to Build an Insulated Cathedral Ceiling.

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