Should I spray foam a cobblestone foundation?

The interior of my cobblestone foundation needs to be repointed. No stones are loose, but there are deep pockets in a lot of areas.
As part of a complete gut and remodel taking place this spring, several professionals have suggested that instead of repointing with mortar, that I could simply have the insulators spray the stone with foam as they are insulating the walls and ceiling.
The exterior of the foundation looks fine. The area in question is a crawl space with a dirt floor and a large cistern that is no longer in use. The house is located in Rochester, NY, and was built around 1900.
Is this a good idea? Does the foam have enough strength and durability that I wouldn’t need to repoint with mortar first? My research has turned up both sides of the argument. Are there any concerns with ants or rodents? Any guidance is very appreciated.
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If no stones are loose, and there is no evidence of recent water entry (for example, a conical pile of "fines" or silt underneath a large gap between stones), then I think it would be fine to install a layer of closed-cell spray polyurethane foam on the interior of your crawl space walls. Closed-cell spray foam can, indeed, help consolidate an old stone wall.
If you had loose stones, my advice would be different. In that case, I would repair those areas with mortar and small stones.
For more information, see Building an Unvented Crawl Space.
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I know this is a 10 year old post now, but I’m curious as to what your approach was and how it’s held up. I’m a 1906 build in Chili, so the similarities and duration are on par.