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Solar roof shingles

obhort1987 | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

Why does your search engine produce a “no result found” response to my “solar roof shingles” inquiry? Really, no such thing as solar roof shingles?

Maybe you could send me info and links or contacts for sourcing the highest tech versions or what I know exists :solar roof shingles. I hear the The Japanese are producing a super efficient version.

Where can I find the most efficient solar roof shingles? Tech features, product sourcing, installation techniques?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Many manufacturers of photovoltaic roofing shingles have entered the market and then gone bankrupt or stopped production.

    The two major manufacturers in the market in the U.S. at this time are Dow Solar, the manufacturer of Powerhouse shingles, and CertainTeed, the manufacturer of the EnerGen Photovoltaic Roof System and Apollo shingles.

    You can read about all of these products on GBA in this article: New Green Building Products — February 2012.

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