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State’s New HP WH

user-5946022 | Posted in General Questions on

In the discussion of the new and very quiet State Heat Pump Water Heater, a poster asked about details for the venting.  Since I’m not GBA prime, I can’t respond in that discussion.  If someone who is GBA Prime can let the poster know there is a response here, that would be appreciated.  I researched this because I’m also interested in this unit.
The cut sheet can be found here:
Accessed via their website by going to, then selecting 
– Under the Professional column, selecting Spec Sheets & Literature, then
– Instruction Manual
– Residential Hybrid electric
– scroll down to the ProLine XE section, then in the Voltex section, select the manual for the HPTS series.  It looks like all the other Voltex models have the venting on the top and sides instead of both on the top.
It also looks like they are about to introduce a new website, so the method to access this info might change shortly.

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  1. user-5946022 | | #1

    Follow up:
    A: Can anyone explain why they present the 50 gallon with a higher annual operating cost than the 66 gallon??
    B: I see the poster on the original thread found the above posted info via a different link path. In poking around the AO Smith site via that posters link, AO Smith has a very nice series of questions you answer that is supposed to help you select a water heater. They then present you with the options and the annual cost to operate each based on the zip code supplied.

    But strangely, the 50 gallon has a higher annual operating cost than the 66 gallon??
    Why? The 66 is lowest annual cost, then the 80, then the 50 with the highest cost. What is going on here?

    HPTS-50 Voltex AL Smart HP WH is a 50 gallon tank with $115/year estimated energy cost
    HPTS-66 Voltex AL Smart HP WH is a 66 gallon tank with $109/year estimated energy cost
    HPTS-80 Voltex AL Smart HP WH is an 80 gallon tank with $112/year estimated energy cost

    1. Expert Member
      DCcontrarian | | #2

      If you use enough water that the 50 gallon tank has to go into resistive mode it will be less efficient than the 66 gallon tank.

    2. aunsafe2015 | | #3

      Unrelated to your question but I find it amazing that these things can run on less than $10 per month. Pretty sure I spend more than that for the natural gas on my Rinnai tankless.

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