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Structured plumbing retrofit

imoldfella | Posted in Mechanicals on

I’m reading about structured plumbing, recirculating trunk and twig Gary Klein style. In a typical two story colonial remodel with two upstairs bathrooms, it seems like you would have to run the trunk/loop up to one, back down, then up to the other and back down in order to get within 5 feet of each bathroom fixture. Does that sound right? Or would you just run the trunk to the farthest away from the water heater, and accept a long big “twig” to the closer upstairs bathroom? Both seem bad in their own way: two rises makes more work for the pump and a longer trunk. A long twig is going to be slow to heat up the low flow shower head (behavior issue; user turns on and walks away). Or would this call for two (probably smaller) pumps with two separate demand buttons?

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