Tile backer board for 24″ centres?

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Is there a tile backer board suitable for 24″ centre studs? Everything I’ve found seems to be limited to 16″ OC.
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I just used to regular drywall with a waterproof membrane. As long as you're not going to intentionally break tiles on the wall, I don't think it's likely you'll ever see a problem. You're not walking on it.
If the wall is open to the studs it's real easy to add more.
3/4" Kerdi can be installed on 24" oc.
You're right but kerdi 3/4 is really expansive. Cheaper to use osb 1/2 + kerdi 3/8 if you can. As a bonus, you get solid wood behind the wall if you ever need to fasten something.
There are lot of benefit to the thicker Kerdi including decent R value. Sometimes the simpler install justifies the extra cost. Showers are small, compared to tiling costs, Kerdi is not expensive.
For lowest cost you can't beat Trevor's suggestions or 5/8" densshield.
I don't see the point in the R value of the backboard but to each is own.
But I want to mention that installing tiles on drywall in a wet location is not a TCNA approved method even if you take the time to waterproof it. It can crack and you'll end up with water damages in your wall. I would never risk it.
Schluter KERDI membrane is made of the same stuff KERDI board is, minus the foam. In either application, the seams are the potential leak points (plus screws in the field, so the board actually has more potential failure points). The seams are finished the same way with both products, with mortar and a KERDI band. Exactly the same potential to crack.
24" OC generally means outside walls. Extra R value on outside walls of bathrooms is always a good idea.
TNCA leaves it up to the membrane manufacturer to define what is suitable solid backing, so in most cases drywall does work. I have Kerdi membrane over drywall in two of my bathrooms.