Timber frame + passive solar??

I like timber frame (sustainability, aesthetics, and strength).
I like strawbale (local material, sustainability, insulation, soundproof, fire resistant, “free” window seats!)
I want, and think it is our responsibility, to incorporate passive solar design.
Can I combine these elements into an energy efficient, sustainably-built, family home? Oh yeah…without breaking the bank (we’re not burning money in our fireplace, yet).
FYI – we live in Nebraska.
Mike S
GBA Detail Library
A collection of one thousand construction details organized by climate and house part

To succeed, though, you should know:
1. If you are paying for labor, a timber-framed home will always cost more than a stick-framed home.
2. If you are paying for labor, a straw-bale home will always cost more than a stick-framed home.
3. If you are providing the labor, and you have plenty of time, building a timber-framed home with infill straw-bale walls can be inexpensive, especially if you can cut your own trees and know someone with a portable bandsaw mill. This is a good project for young people with lots of time on their hands.