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Underslab vapor barrier?

Claire Anderson | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

What thickness of vapor barrier (polyethylene) do folks recommend? I’ve seen recommendations for 6-mil and 10-mil.

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  1. Robert Riversong | | #1

    The thickness is irrelevant. What matters is that it is continuous and sealed at all laps, edges and penetrations, and that it is tough enough to withstand the abuse it will receive during the pouring of the slab.

    I use Tu-Tuff #4: 4 mil white highly puncture-resistant and tear resistant polyethylene made specifically for sub-slab applications, available in 9' and 12' wide rolls.

  2. Claire Anderson | | #2

    Terrific, Robert. I'll see if I can find that locally. Do you use Gorilla Tape or something like it to seal seams, etc.?

  3. Claire Anderson | | #3

    Robert: I'm not able to find this product locally. Do you order it online?


  4. Robert Riversong | | #4

    I usually use the red 3M housewrap tape, which pulls off a tape dispenser more easily than Gorilla. The alternative to tape would be Tremco acoustical sealant.

    Both Tu-Tuff and Tremco are available from Energy Federation, which is one of my main suppliers for energy efficiency equipment and supplies. (they don't show Tu-Tuff or Tremco in their on-line consumer catalog, but they carry it in their commercial division)

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