uPVC Exterior Doors

Hi All,
I’m building in CZ5 and we’re going with Schuco uPVC windows. They also offer matching doors, and I can’t find a ton of literature on them. Does anyone have experience with uPVC doors? They would be a swap for Therma-tru fiberglass units. Thanks!
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I don't have photos up on my website yet but the one featured on the builder's page shows Schuco windows and doors: https://jaretmillerco.com/portfolio. No complaints.
Looks great - thank you!
Beautiful home! That must be $1.5 mil to build and finish (not counting land costs).
"Does anyone have experience with uPVC doors? They would be a swap for Therma-tru fiberglass units. Thanks!"
i can't speak for every upvc entry door, but pay attention to the frame thickness if the door is important for getting things in and out of. you can lose a couple of inches for any given rough opening size compared to a domestic door.
That's a great point about the thickness - it looks like standard exterior doors are around an inch and a half, and the PVC doors are more like three inches. Time to see what it'll cost me to make the front door a few inches wider :)
David, I believe CS55 meant the width of the door frame--a typical European rough opening is 3-4" larger than a typical North American-style rough opening to achieve the same net clear opening once the door is installed. I specify doors by slab size (or leaf size), not frame size or rough opening, for this reason. European doors are thicker than typical North American-style doors so that is also a factor in the net clear opening size.
I appreciate the clarification, Michael! Our contract specifies that all windows and doors must be installed according to the manufacturer's instructions, but my builder appreciated it when I gave him a heads-up about the increased weight of the windows vs. what he's used to; I'll do the same about the RO. Thanks!
heres an example of a "36x80" door measured from the exterior side.
one for the overall width of the door, one for opening width.
thats an aluminum door, but vinyl isn't much different.
I have European operable windows and like others have said, the frames are very large and you lose some space due to frame size. One has to make bigger RO's to compensate for the loss of space due to European doors and windows.