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Water heater choices

dfvellone | Posted in General Questions on

New water heater installation is going into a first floor 175sq’ utilitly room. 
Sealed combustion with outside air is necessary, and because of the nature of my off-grid electrical system the heater can’t have an electric requirement. Also, only lp is available. 
A.O. Smith’s gdv40 and 50lp meet the requirements. Bradford-White has a model as well, but it isn’t currently available anywhere I can find, and costs a bit more than the A.O. Smith models.

I’ve searched extensively and can’t find any other heater out there that suits my needs/stays within my budget.

Does anyone know of any other unit that I might be missing which could work for my situation?

Thank you, Daniel

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  1. user-2310254 | | #1

    Rinnai makes a tankless water heater that works with propane, but it also requires 120 AC connection. FWIW, these things appear to be much cheaper than tanked units.

    1. dfvellone | | #2

      I didn't mention that a tank unit will allow me to utilize excess solar.

      1. Expert Member
        BILL WICHERS | | #3

        You can combine tank and tankless water heaters in some cases, with the tankless heater firing up when the tank runs out (gets below a set temperature). That might be a good way to use your excess solar and only run on LP when you have to.


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