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We plan to use Obdyke Hydrogap between the Hardie board siding and the Zip wall

user-6323668 | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

We plan to use Obdyke Hydrogap between the Hardie board siding and the Zip wall. Will that be an adequate drainage plane? Or are furring strips also needed?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Q. "Will that be an adequate drainage plane?"

    A. Yes.

    Q. "Are furring strips also needed?"

    A. No. For more information on this issue, see All About Rainscreens.

  2. user-6323668 | | #2

    "All about rainscreens" expressed doubt about products like Hydrogap and recommended that the gap be at least 1/4". Should we use something thicker than the Hydrogap like the Obdyke Home Slicker mesh?

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    Thanks for your followup question. You caught me in an inconsistency. I apologize for the brief nature of my first response -- it was too absolute.

    Ultimately, this is a judgment call. I don't really have an absolute answer to your question, even though I provided such a response in my first comment. Clearly, the Hydrogap approach provides a smaller gap (and therefore less ventilation drying) than furring strips.

    You'll have to weigh the advantage of better drying against the added cost of the furring strips, and make your judgment call.

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