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well-ventilated defined

stamant1 | Posted in General Questions on

I see the directions on some liquid products to use in a “well-ventilated space” or “outdoors.” Similarly, some flooring or upholstery products off gas for some period after installation. 

Does ASHRAE 90.1 have a definition for what well-ventilated might mean? ideally a defined criteria based on air changes per hour?

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  1. jberks | | #1

    Paint spray booths have something like 2.5-3.5 air changes per minute. So 150-210 air changes per hour.

    I'd say that's well ventilated.

    1. stamant1 | | #3

      yup -- that is definable and would be equivalent to outdoor.

  2. Expert Member
    Akos | | #2

    If you walk in and the air does not smell stale, than it is well vented. Seems to be around or under 1000PPM CO2 for most people.

    EDIT. Just noticed for painting. In that case, window open on one side with a box fan blowing out the other side. Not something you want to do too much of in the winter.

  3. stamant1 | | #4

    cool. that's a start.

    the 1000PPM is interesting. I have a CO2 monitor set up in a bedroom with unimproved 1070's construction. When the door is closed [3/4" undercut], the forced air HVAC register doesn't push enough air. Concentration hovers from 1200 to 2300. The door needs to be cracked open to get in the 400 to 800 range.

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