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What is the datasheet of the ARCO panel which was in the picture?

shrik kader | Posted in General Questions on

the non silicon panels that are more than 30 year old.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    You haven't provoded many clues to let us know what you are talking about. I'm guessing, though, that you are talking about this article: Testing a Thirty-Year-Old Photovoltaic Module.

    If I guessed correctly, I'd be happy to share the information from the name plate on the module (and gathered by my research). Here it is:

    Arco solar module, model 16-2000
    Serial number 256387
    33 watts
    2.0 amps
    16.0 volts
    Manufactured at the Arco plant in Chatsworth, California, in 1979

    You called it a "non silicon" panel. That's incorrect. It is definitely a silicon module. The round cells are a sign that the cells were sliced from cylindrical blocks of silicon.

  2. Littleharbor | | #2

    Mr. Editor. My first post. I was impressed with your ability to identify the op's panel with the level of detail you did.
    I have been in the solar biz for quite a few years and have acquired a small collection of vintage solar panels. I just acquired this one the other day. I have been searching the web for ANY info on it, especially the possible date of mfg. Can you help? I have other old Arco panels but nothing quite this old. It was putting out 22.75 Voc. and .995 Isc. when metered in full sun yesterday. Interesting thing that it has 41 rather crude cells and open air behind the laminate and rear surface of the module. It is laminated onto tempered glass.

    1. GBA Editor
      Martin Holladay | | #3

      Little Harbor,
      The best person to answer your question is Raju Yenamandra, who is the director of marketing and sales at SolarWorld California Inc.

      Raju Yenamandra used to work at the old Arco plant in California. The last time I contacted Raju Yenamandra, this was his email address:

      raju.yenamandra [at] solarworld-usa [dot] com

      If that email address doesn't work, call SolarWorld and ask the switchboard operator to connect you. As far as I know, the SolarWorld number is 805-482-6800.

      1. Expert Member
        Dana Dorsett | | #5

        Way off topic, but do you know if he goes by the name Raju as his legal name?

        In most Hindustani languages "Raju" would the affectionate diminutive familar of "Raj", the common nickname/truncation of "Rajiv" or "Rajeev" or "Rajeeb" (depending on language of origin.) The Raju / Raj / Rajiv is similar to Robby / Rob / Robert. I hadn't seen Raju used as a formal name, but then again I've only known a handful of people named Raj.

  3. Littleharbor | | #4

    Martin, Thanks for the speedy reply. I'll definitely follow up.
    I have other interesting panels I have found some info on but for the most part there is very little I have been able to locate. Here's a couple pics of my favorites.
    The first ones are of a module that as far as I can tell was made with cells intended for satellites. Note the radial traces in the cells. The other, Cant locate photo, is a Solar Power Corp. module is what I understand, the first commercially available solar panel. It is on a fiberglass board with the cells encapsulated in a silicone substance. Rubbery to touch. It is in pristine condition. Sorry I don't have a photo at the moment.

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