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What’s With the SPAM Filter?

GBA Editor | Posted in General Questions on

Am I on the no fly list here?

I can’t seem to post much of anything without the SPAM filter either demanding a CAPTCHA or blocking my post entirely.

No curse words, no hyperlinks.

What gives?

Someone’s gotta tame this beast!

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  1. Riversong | | #1

    OK, I removed the P.S. at the end of my comment and the SPAM BOT allowed the rest of my response to Martin's Air Barrier blog.

    I tried posting the P.S. separately and the BOT blocked it. The only thing remotely "offensive" was the use of the term "o-r-i-f-i-c-e" in the context of air flow dynamics. Let's see if I can use that nasty word here.

    Nope - can't.

  2. Riversong | | #2

    This is a bit ridiculous. The BOT can't differentiate between a scientific discussion and porn.

    Please fix this.

  3. David Meiland | | #3

    If we teach it to think for itself, it's only a matter of time before it becomes self-aware and seeks to annihilate us. With the way everything is networked these days, the SPAM filter on the GBA site could easily launch nukes from silos in Israel, provoking WWWIII. Of course, it might not be that bad, it might only shut down all the espresso machines in the Seattle area, which would paralyze the regional economy and cause a massive spike in the sale of psychoactive pharmaceuticals.

    Seriously, I've had the same problem. It lasted a couple of days, then it stopped. I changed nothing.

  4. Riversong | | #4


  5. Riversong | | #5

    I wasn't suggesting AI, just putting a longer leash on the beast.

    Anyway, something's gotta thin out the herd. If we don't do it soon enough ourselves, then it may as well be our own cyber monsters that do it for us.

  6. BobHr | | #6

    I have to switch t oa differente browser as it wont work with IE

  7. Riversong | | #7

    AI, IE - maybe it just doesn't much like vowels?

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