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Why does my GU24 CFL lamp flicker slightly when the fixture is off?

fUHjgvwdeo | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

I replaced an incandescent light fixture with a CFL fixture that uses a GU24 lamp. This is a hallway fixture so it’s controlled by two separate switches (3-way) that are backlit when off.

Everything works as expected, but I noticed that CFL lamp flickers slightly after the fixture has been turned off.

Is this typical or have I wired something wrong? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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  1. davidmeiland | | #1

    It may be that the trickle of current used by the switches for backlighting is enough to cause the flicker you are seeing.

  2. fUHjgvwdeo | | #2

    thanks david!
    that's what i thought it might be and was considering buying non-backlit switches to test the theory. just wondering if the flickering is going to effect the lifespan of the bulb.

  3. JCP_KES | | #3

    Switch, not dimmer, correct? CFLs don't like dimmers unless they are special and have a dimming ballast. I'd get that fixed as the ballast surely won't like that trickle current and neither will the bulb itself. Turning fluorescent bulbs on and off is what diminishes their life more than actual "run time".

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