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Windows installation over foam board

cww1 | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

Going to be replacing siding and windows and am planning on installing 1″ rigid foam board over sheathing. My main question is with installing the windows, can they be installed directly over the foam board or should I picture frame out around the opening? Or I guess the right question would be what is the best way to install over 1″ of rigid. Thanks.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    The first thing to do is probably to read this article:

    Nailing Window Flanges Through Foam

    After you have read the article, you can post any further questions you have on this page.

  2. BruceAF | | #2

    Chris - you did not mention what climate zone you are in....make sure you are installing enough foam:

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