Wood stove — outside air necessary?

I’m buying a used woodstove and replacing the earth stove I have now. The present stove has a pipe from the bottom of the stove that goes through the floor to draw in outside air. The new stove only uses indoor air…a coonara.
I live in a mobile home that is OLD 1973 but mobile home standards (not by my lifespan but hey…)
Please let me know if you think I MUST have outside air to be healthy and safe?
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As long as your wood stove isn't backdrafting (puffing smoke into your house), I wouldn't worry too much. One option, however, is to keep the existing outdoor air duct -- you might be able to rig up a simple cap that you can easily remove when needed to open the duct up -- so that the duct can act as a "proximity duct" supplying outdoor air near your new wood stove when needed.
For more information on this topic, see this article: How to Provide Makeup Air for a Wood Stove.