Air Leaks
Air Leaks in Existing Homes
An overview of the common places where houses leak air and compromise performance
What Is My Roof Trying to Tell Me?
It's possible the pattern of melting snow suggests that something is amiss with the insulation
High Humidity in the Attic
Insulating the underside of the roof deck solves one problem and creates another
Tighter Houses with Less Effort
Researchers adapt Aeroseal duct-sealing technology for use on whole houses
Major Thermal Bypasses
Don’t worry about the cracks around your windows until you’ve sealed all of the big holes in your house
Joe Lstiburek’s Airtightness Goals
The renowned building engineer explains why the Passivhaus limit of 0.6 ach50 is just fine — except when it isn’t
Prevent Ice Dams With Air Sealing and Insulation
Roof ventilation and rubber membranes are admissions of defeat