Building Codes
Meeting Energy Code Requirements Using Prescriptive Paths
Using the 2021 IRC's prescriptive table of R-values or U-factor calculations are two ways to satisfy energy conservation codes
Maine’s Stretch Energy Code
Three municipalities adopt the state's first strectch code but enforcement of even the base code is lagging
To Code or Not to Code
The 2024 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) is near completion, but should consumer choice take precedent?
The Role of I-Codes in Building Resilience
As code-minimum standards improve and expand in response to lessons learned from extreme weather events, they are to be trusted as among the tools for constructing resilient buildings and infrastructure
The International Code Council Advocates for a Uniform Ecosystem of Codes
With widespread adoption, building codes can support energy efficiency, increase resilience, boost the economy, and tackle climate change
Code Council Pushing Merits of Newest Energy Code
A new campaign is aimed at getting one-third of Americans covered by the 2021 version in the next two years
Tougher Energy Codes: What’s the Point?
The latest version of the IECC ups insulation requirements, but one reader doesn't see the value
Ducts in an Unconditioned Attic
The best place for ductwork is inside the thermal boundary of the house, not in an unconditioned, vented attic
Proposed Changes in Code-Writing Rules Roil the Building Industry
Revisions would leave government building officials without a direct voice and stymie efforts to stiffen energy efficiency requirements, opponents say
At Long Last, a Truly Final 2021 Energy Code
Efficiency gains will be significant but builders and industry groups quashed the most progressive proposals