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  • Green Homes

    Making an Old Tract House Sunnier and More Efficient

    In 1983, the Heron was one of five cookie-cutter models offered in Bay Country, a tract housing development in a suburb of Baltimore, Maryland. Perhaps a little ahead of its…

  • Green Homes

    Large Connecticut Home is ‘Zero-Energy-Ready’

    Builder Mark Nuzzolo of Brookside Development has energy savings all sewn up at his new development, Singer Village in Derby, Connecticut. The high-performance homes are located on land surrounding the…

  • Green Homes

    High-End Green in the Hamptons

    By Richard Stott The Hamptons are flush with poorly built, energy hog spec homes on an acre or two. Many of these homes have huge lawns, pools, tennis courts, and…

  • Green Homes

    A Net-Zero Home in Massachusetts

    Before we met, my clients had spent considerable time researching how to build a net-zero home. They read product literature, studied the economics, understood the benefits, and had a pretty…

  • Green Homes

    Building the Best Baltimore Rowhomes — and Neighborhoods

    At just around 1,000 square feet, existing rowhomes in Baltimore represent a true design challenge. Of course, any redesign or retrofit should be green and affordable. Streamlining assessment, design, and…

  • Green Homes

    Gut Rehab Creates Office Space With an Apartment Above

    Architect Richard Renner and his wife Janet Friskey, a graphic designer, wanted a commute in downtown Portland, Maine that involved just a flight of stairs. “We jumped at the opportunity…

  • Green Homes

    Cranking Out Green, Affordable, Gut Rehabs

    Don Marx is a very busy man for a guy who is “retired.” But as Chair of Construction on the Habitat for Humanity Buffalo Board, he manages as many as…

  • Green Homes

    A Thick Cocoon of Cellulose Protects This Superinsulated House

    By Robert Riversong I was hired to design and build a home for a Vermont land owner who wanted a house that would be affordable to build, affordable to live…

  • Green Homes

    A True Net-Zero Gut Rehab, New England-Style

    By Peter Yost and Martin Holladay Before retrofit work began, Jane Bindley's 1978 ranch house on the shore of Squam Lake was an ordinary fiberglass-insulated energy hog. Bindley had a…

  • Green Homes

    Easy LEED Platinum?

    “It was easier than I thought,” says Amy Levin when first asked about her LEED for Homes Platinum gut rehab. This would not be the last time my jaw would…