The First National Green Code — or Communism?
Do we need a national green construction code — or would such a code be a threat to our freedom?
Energy Code Enforcement is a Mixed Bag
Georgia’s required testing is a great start, but building inspectors need to step it up
USGBC Announces 2011 LEED for Homes Awards
Residential construction projects in several categories take a bow at the GreenBuild conference in Toronto
Florida Builder Commits to HERS Labels for All Homes
Claiming that ‘most of its homes’ will be HERS 60 or lower, LifeStyle Homes will use an energy rater to evaluate every new home it builds
Green Renovating A Home And A Career
In 2004, Jason La Fleur and his wife Jennifer bought a classic Arts and Crafts home in Oak Park, Illinois, home to the largest single collection of buildings designed by…
Green Building Programs: Time for a Do-Over?
Why is it that the things I care so much about are now making me so crazy?
Home Energy Monitoring, Part 3: The Wrap-Up
How much do they cost and what is the future of this home technology?
Home Energy Monitoring, Part 1: Knowledge Is Power
The first step in doing something about the energy consumption of your home is to know what it consumes and how it consumes
How to Comply with the New EPA Lead Law
Get certified, document your work, and sub out the big stuff
Energy Is Only One Part of the Building Inspector’s World
Health and safety come first, and flexibility rules