Light Bulb
Philips Produces a Super-Efficient LED
The “Dubai lamp” is readily available in Dubai, but nowhere else
United Nations Targets Inefficient Light Bulbs
While the U.S. is adopting more stringent standards, many developing countries haven't restricted sales of incandescent and halogen bulbs
California Gets New Light Bulb Efficiency Standard
A complete switch to LED or CFL lights could save consumers a total of $1 billion a year
A Reprieve for the Incandescent Bulb?
Researchers have tweaked conventional incandescents to make the bulbs far more efficient
New LED Lights on the Scene
Manufacturers of LED lighting products have introduced lamps that are designed to solve the recessed can problem
LED Filament Bulbs
These new LED bulbs need no heat sink, replicate the aesthetics of incandescent bulbs, and have a high lumen-to-watt ratio
Congress Plays with the Light Bulb Mandate
The new federal budget has a rider that blocks spending for efficiency upgrades, but the conversion to more efficient lighting is already here
The Difference Between Efficiency and Efficacy
Here's the reason that the term ‘efficacy’ pops up frequently in the field of energy efficiency