Equipment Sheds as Solar Mounts
During a recent visit to France, I discovered “hangars photovoltaïques”
Commerce Department Probe Roils Solar Industry
Solar trade group says thousands of jobs are threatened, projects delayed
Hooking Up to the Grid
After 46 years of off-grid living, we decided to bring powerlines to our house
DOE Sees Sharp Drop in Cost of Solar Electricity
Research focuses on a new family of manmade materials called perovskites with a big potential
Residential PV Installations in Florida Remain Strong
Installers report that many solar customers are asking for batteries
Three Books on PV-Equipped Homes
Two of these books focus on zero-energy homes, while the third tackles residential photovoltaic systems
Designing for Solar Panels
Three experts weigh in on how to optimize a PV array’s potential
Did Our Net-Zero House Meet its Energy Goals?
Upgraded insulation and windows, plus a 9.8 kW solar array, help these homeowners realize a power surplus
Contemplating an Off-Grid Future
A response to recent predictions by Joe Lstiburek
Solar Panels Don’t Make Good Roads
Early test results show that electricity generated by solar roadways is very expensive